Ladies and Gentlemen in Pawnland! But yet another fabulous piece about the much larger conspiracies that have been underway for a long while, with the illegally created central banking system. I sincerely hope you enjoy the read – Jerry Whitehead Thursday, August 18, 2011 The Fed bombed the market – I ask, “Why?” Last evening…
Pawnbrokers See Booming Business in Flailing Economy
Pawnbrokers see booming business in flailing economy Related Surrounded by guitars, guns and gold, as well as tools and TVs, Silver Dollar’s… Former law enforcement officer Jim Holtzclaw (foreground) didn’t miss a beat… By Britt CombsPublished: July 13, 2011 Certain industries tend to do their best business during tough times. Grocers prosper during famines.…
US Families Struggling to Find Cash
Ladies and Gentlemen in PawnLand! Another Interesting piece we pulled off the wire, hope you enjoy the read! In a pinch, half of U.S. families can’t find $2,000 Jan Underwood David Berke, president of Rich’s Pawn Shop works behind one of the jewelry counters in the shop at 709 Watervliet Ave. Bertke said Rich’s has…
Pawn Shop Consulting in Russia
Ladies and Gentlemen in Pawnland!We at the Pawn Shop Consulting Group are happy to report that we are working with a new client group based in Russia. We have met with them here in the USA and are making preparations on going to Moscow to see life after the communist revolution.It may be surprising to…