900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

Pawn Shop Consulting Group, LCC. Logo

Move Past The Stone Age With Pawn Shop Consulting Programs To Increase Your Pawn Shop Business Profitability

Our Pawn Shop consulting programs will get you ready to win in your pawn business in 2025 and beyond.

Our Pawn Shop consulting programs and services give you the tools and support to succeed. Much of the pawn industry has been lagging behind changing technology for years and continues to suffer the consequences. Who is staying in business and growing and thriving? The pawnbrokers who are willing to adapt their business to new innovations and practices are winning. It is the early adopters who are going to pull ahead of the pack and buck the trend of pawn store closures. Being stuck with an out of touch approach to customer service, sales, and technology does not work and we are seeing record store closures in the USA and in the global markets in which we serve.

Are you ready to take action? We are here to help. Pawnshop Consulting Group, LLC., has a variety of systems of pawn shop consulting programs to take your pawn business from slow to grow. Our seasoned veteran pawn shop consultants provide the specialties you need to think outside of the box and succeed in this increasingly challenging environment in which we operate in today.

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Level-Up with 100% Virtual Pawn Shop Consulting, Education & Training

The Pawnshop Consulting Group offers up to 100% of our extensive consulting, education, and training programs online via Zoom and other online platforms. AS a result of Covid19 and more, It was necessary for us to develop a wider range of supportive services and to think outside the box and look for ways to follow social distancing protocols while providing an even more convenient, effective method to meet your consulting and training needs. Replacing in-person training with virtual means it's easier than ever for you to get in-depth training and support to help you take your pawn business to the next level and on your time schedule.

We've developed over 180 high-level training applications for the pawn industry that we administer virtually through easy-to-use online platforms. You simply choose the level of training that fits your educational goals, the time slot that works for your schedule, and we deliver the materials, training, and one-on-one oversight to walk you step-by-step through the process to receiving various levels of training and certifications.

Easily customize our virtual training products and services to meet your needs and budget. This revolutionary approach to pawn industry training enables you to work at your pace and access customized education to get your business on the fast track to success.

Customized Pawn Shop Consulting Programs

At PCG, we have different consultants that specialize in different areas, so you have a comprehensive team of experts to achieve all of your business goals. Whether you are looking for infrastructure improvements or market expansion, we have the pawn shop consulting programs and systems in place to make it happen. Here is a short list of our services:

  • Asset performance evaluations
  • Information systems technology assistance
  • Website design and analysis
  • Social media integration
  • Disaster recovery
  • Detailed forensic auditing
  • Store level performance measures
  • Human resource programs, including performance, compensation, and goals
  • Merchandising
  • Inventory acquisition or relinquishment
  • Retailing formats
  • Mystery shopping programs
  • Seasonal rotation implementation
  • Marketing strategies
  • Market analysis
  • Store setup
  • Design concepts
  • Security issues

Request a Consultation Today

OR CALL NOW:  954-540-3697

Pawn Shop Consulting Services

Operational Consulting

Whether you’re a new startup or an established store looking to update your operations, we can help you reach your goals. We have comprehensive store start-up packages from single location to multi-level operations, mentoring and development services for your leadership team as well as your sales and support staff, and evaluation of your business philosophy. Read more...

Compensation and Productivity

When it comes to your human resources, we’ve got you covered. We can help you with everything from evaluating your personnel to creating customized compensation packages. We can even help with the development of training programs, so your staff stays on the cutting edge when it comes to pawn shop operation, customer service, and industry advancements. Read more...

Valuations, Mergers, and Acquisitions

Ready to jump into your first pawn shop purchase? Are you looking to expand your brand into new markets or gain additional market share? Whether you have one shop or 100, we are the leaders in pawn shop valuation, mergers, and acquisitions. We have been directly involved in over 250 sales or acquisitions in the nearly two decades we’ve been in business. Our knowledge and experience are beyond compare, and we can get the job done right for you and your company. Read more...

Professional Recruitment

Not only can we help you get into business and stay in business, but we can also help you find the right people to run your business. You might start as a one-person operation, but you can’t stay that way if you want to expand and profit from being a pawnbroker. That’s where our professional recruitment team comes in. We’ll help you find your best candidates, interview them, onboard them, and train them. It’s the best way to ensure you get the people you need to run your business the way you envision, with your customers and your profits at heart. Read more...

Focus Groups, Symposiums, Summits, and Trade Shows

In the old days, it wasn’t uncommon for a pawn shop owner to run their business in a vacuum. You could be totally isolated from other pawnbrokers with no way to share information, best practices, and technological advances. Now, with the help of PCG, there are a number of ways you can connect and network with other industry leaders, professionals, and owners. Read more...

Request a Consultation Today

OR CALL NOW:  954-540-3697


Pawn Shop Consulting Group specializes in all facets of pawn shop operations and remains on the cutting edge of the industry. Let us share our expertise, experience, and passion with your business. We customize programs to suit your needs; you can reach your goals by enhancing existing programs, broadening your services, and upgrading your technology to meet the demands of the global e-commerce marketplace. 

Recent News

Lab Grown Diamonds Biggest Disruptor in Jewelry Industry Here!
2025 International Pawn Symposium
PCG – Presenting at both the Midwest Convention and the NPA Pawn EXPO Show in Las Vegas

At PCG, we will enhance all levels of your business operations with our programs built to fit your unique needs. Connect with our team of pawn shop experts now to get started.

Are you ready to expand your pawn business?

You don’t have to go it alone. Take a look at what PCG can do for you.

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Virtual Trainings and Support

Have life and COVID put a wrench in your plans to take advantage of our pawn shop training and operational consulting services? We've revolutionized our services just for you. You can now access training and support for you and your team through our 100% virtual online training programs. Our new online format means you can take part in training and receive essential certifications at a pace that works for your schedule and budget. Let us customize our virtual training and one-on-one consultation packages to meet your needs. It's the most convenient and affordable way to ensure your business has the tools to succeed in this increasingly difficult environment in which we live in today.