Lab Grown Diamonds Biggest Disruptor in the
Are you struggling with your current business plan that’s designed to make your pawn shop more profitable? We are here to help. As even if you’ve been in the Pawn Business for a LONG TIME – we can help you increase your PROFITS in a number of ways! We can assist you with UPDATING your current business plan to make the most of your location, your customers, your employees and your marketing efforts!
In fact, we’ll soon have a VIDEO TESTIMONIAL from Ron Whitaker, the Founder or Parlour Pawn in Montcon, Canada talking about how he used Pawn Shop Consulting Group and is seeing his business grow and grow and in fact, he predicts a 30 to 40% increase in profits for the year 2011!
Contact us and let us help you take your existing pawn shop to the next level! We can even help you take advantage of all the new social networking to increase your traffic to your store, your website and help you move that inventory before it starts to stack up so you’ll have MORE MONEY to put out on the STREET!
Give us a call or E-mail us at the address below!