• 900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

  • Company Survey’s – Good, Bad & Ugly

    Company Survey’s – Good, Bad & Ugly


    Do you provide Personnel the opportunity to participate in Company Survey’s, for the Good, Bad & Ugly that may exist in your organization?


    Pawnshop Consulting Group recently hosted our Industry Pawn Peer Focus Group with one of our long term members in California, and witnessed up close and up front one of their Company Survey’s they had recently administered, and were shocked at the results.


    Knowing how your personnel feel about your organization, no matter how big or small you may be is paramount in keeping, maintaining personnel, solidifying the best culture you can, and involving your personnel to some degree to shape the culture of your organization.


    For our Group in California, what they discovered was the following from their recent challenges from a corporate stand point, to the results of the most recent survey they conducted, and here is the short list:



    In conclusion, Pawnshop Consulting Group has witnessed from our global client base, many of our clients have not served their team members to the best of their ability.


    This can lead to less production, loss of revenues, higher turn over, and diminishing returns.


    In this environment of high level competition for everything, acknowledging, paying attention to personnel, and rewarding them for production and more is more crucial than ever before to stay one step ahead in this drastically changing environment we live in today.


    Pawnshop Consulting Group along with PawnTrain are here to do just that, support, and train your staff and team members to be the best they can be at all times. We offer hundreds of levels of training, one on one, very scaled, and customizable for any client, no matter how small or big they may be.


    Pawnshop Consulting Group and PawnTrain train owners, and managers how to better operate their stores, and maximize all levels of productivity and production, and operate at their peak capacities. No other group provides the type of support and training that we do hands down!


    In these turbulent times, we are here to help, see what our world-wide client base has to say about us!!


    Remember, the call is FREE !!


    Jerry Whitehead


    Pawnshop Consulting Group



    Alan Nelson

