• 900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

  • Internet Growth Skyrockets!


    If you are not taking advantage of the MASSIVE GROWTH of the internet – you better get on BOARD BEFORE YOU are LEFT IN THE DUST!

    It used to be that everyone that was logged into the Internet – had a UNIQUE IP ADDRESS – well for the most part – everyone other than companies with a STATIC IP ADDRESS – which was a random string on 12 Numbers –

    e.g. –

    Well the INTERNET RAN OUT OF ROOM FOR IP ADDRESS – and if you’re even half way mathematical – it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that with 12 random numbers with each having 0-9 in each single number times 9 – and time 9 again, etc – that’s a TON OF NUMBERS and/or IP ADDRESSES!

    Now we’ve moved from the old IP4 standard to IP6

    What’s IPv6? (as per WP STATS)

    For those of you who don’t know, IPv6 is the next-generation Internet protocol, which offers a large number of IP addresses, 296 (= 79228162514264337593543950336) times of what IPv4 has to offer. A typical IPv6 address looks like 2001:db8:cafe::1, compared to an IPv4 address IPv4 space is quickly becoming exhausted, necessitating the migration to IPv6. You can read more about IPv6 in its Wikipedia entry or in the free book, The Second Internet. You can use IPv6 tunnels if your ISP does not offer IPv6 connectivity yet. Using http://test-ipv6.com/, you can verify IPv6 connectivity.

    Behind the Scenes

    This is powered by 2 load-balancers running nginx, and connectivity to IPv6 internet is through IPv6 6in4 tunnels provided by Hurricane Electric Tunnelbroker, as our datacenters have not enabled IPv6 yet.

    NOW that we now have 15 numbers for our IP ADDRESSES that’s an astronomical number of people on the INTERNET!

    IS your company up to date with your total online presence? Then you really need to get up to speed – as with more internet growth – then that’s MORE GROWTH with Social Media! And when it comes to Social Media and Social Networking there is NO BETTER WAY to get your companies message and BRAND out to MILLIONS of people!

    Just remember that if 100 friends share your message with 100 of their friends & they share that with 100 of their friends you’ve just reached 1,000,000 people!


    Jerry Whitehead

    Click on these links to go directly to our social media links:

    7920 NW 85th Avenue
    Tamarac, FL 33321

    Pawn Shop Consulting Group Symposium INFO Symposium

    Cayman Islands Office Location:

    Cashwiz© Holdings Ltd.

    Cayman Office: 345-943-7296
    Cayman Fax: 345-943-4653
    144  N. Church St.
    Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, KY1-1105

    National Pawnbrokers Association – Industry Partner

    “Impossible only exists in the world of the incapables” – Aztec Indians