Lab Grown Diamonds Biggest Disruptor in the
Stan Lucowicz Jr
Capital City Pawn – Sacramento (6) stores
“We just had Jerry Whitehead as a consultant for one week as well (in early October 2008) in our six store pawn operation in Sacramento, California and we have only good things to say. We are very impressed by Jerry’s professional manner and many insights. Jerry has natural ability to put people at ease even when he is collecting data and you never feel as though you are being interrogated, summed up or criticized.
There is no question that Jerry is an expert in the pawn industry and its many facets and has the ability to assist and advise your company on any number of concerns. His opinion is to be valued and appreciated, and not only his opinion and many insights but his concern and thoughtfulness to the needs and success of the company, its owners and its employees.
Jerry is thorough in his approach, as well as in the delivery of his advice for the advancement of your company. We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship and friendship with Jerry as we continue to grow our company. We have every confidence that Jerry’s advice is a valued asset to our company today and into the future.”
Thanks Jerry – Stan Lucowicz, Jr.
Feel FREE to Contact ANY of our Clients listed…we pretty much let them speak for us, we are THE choice in Professional Pawnshop Consulting Services!
For More information Contact:
Jerry Whitehead