• 900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

  • Pawnshop Consulting

    Pawn Shop Crossover EXPO 2018

    2018 Crossover EXPO INFO The Crossover EXPO is being produced again this year with the Florida Pawnbroker Association to assist the association and the industry by providing more educational trade show options for our folks. PCG specializes in producing high-level events from our famed “Pawn Symposiums” hosted at the Ritz  Carlton’s in the Cayman Islands,…

    PCG Speaks at 2014 Southeast Pawn Tradeshow in Greenville SC Sept 5th – 7th

    Ladies and Gentlemen in Pawnland! PCG Speaking at the 2014 Southeast Regional Tradeshow & Convention Its official PCG will be presenting again at the Southeast show coming up this month in Greenville South Carolina. We will be presenting one of our high-level interactive workshops focused on current industry trends and best practices as witnessed and…

    Marko Evans, CompuPawn

    From: Marko Evans Vice President, Sales & Marketing CompuPawn Software-Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. NPA Board of Directors NPA Communications Chair FPA Board of Directors (954) 545-1861 marko@verticalc.com www.compupawn.com Vice President, Sales & Marketing CompuPawn Software-Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. “As a software provider to our industry, we sometimes have the privilege of recommending other excellent vendors…

    Adriana Jimenez Hernandez

    From: Adriana Hernandez – Operations Director The Jimenez Group (Colombia &Costa Rica) Daddy’s Cash / Quick Cash of Miami 3033 NE 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33137 (305) 576-7417 adherhim@aol.com “Early in (2007) we contacted Mr. Whitehead to consult with our family on our operations both here and abroad. Our family runs a multi-unit chain of…