Lab Grown Diamonds Biggest Disruptor in the Jewelry Industry Here! “SmartGrown” Diamonds – exclusive brand for Pawn In 2024 Pawnshop Consulting Group officially lined itself with the largest LGD grower in the world, and our exclusive product BRAND for Pawn is – “SmartGrown” Diamonds. Smart Grown Diamonds LLC We are the largest Lab…
PCG Legendary Focus Group Heading to Galveston Texas
PCG Legendary Focus Group Heading to Galveston Texas “PCG PAWN PEER FOCUS GROUP HEADING TO GALVESTON TEXAS” That’s Right, Pawnshop Consulting Group‘s Legendary Pawn Peer Focus Groups is descending on to one of Texas’s major coastal cities for our spring gathering of 2024 in Galveston Texas! This Pawn Peer Group is in its 13th year…
PCG Legendary Focus Groups head to Dallas Texas
PCG Legendary Focus Groups head back to Dallas Texas That’s right, Pawnshop Consulting Group’s Legendary Focus Groups are heading to Dallas Texas for our Fall Gathering. PCG groups will be descending on Dallas this upcoming October 22nd – 27th. We will be hosted by two legendary and original group members for 13 years, Uncle Dans’ Pawn and P&J…
How to Capitalize for the Looming Economy and Pawn Industry Trends
How to Capitalize for the Looming Economy and Pawn Industry Trends Pawnshop Consulting Group will be presenting again this year at the upcoming Midwest Pawnbrokers Convention in Indianapolis this May 19th – 21st. Our presentation will focus on how to capitalize for the looming economy, and what the current industry trends are for Pawn in…
PCG Legendary Focus Groups head to Boise Idaho
PCG Legendary Focus Groups head to Boise Idaho That’s right, Pawnshop Consulting Group’s Legendary Focus Groups are heading to Boise Idaho. We are on our way to have the eyes of some of the best operators in the Pawn Industry to descend upon our newest member to the Focus Group Family, Sam Read of Idaho…
Pawnshop Consulting Group – Presenting at the Trade Shows
Pawnshop Consulting Group – Presenting at the Trade Shows Pawnshop Consulting Group will be presenting at a number of Pawn shows coming up! First up, we will be doing a very high-level presentation again this year the annual Midwest Pawnbrokers show up in Indianapolis. Here is a link to their website and registration information: Midwest…
Do YOU Know what Your Pawn Shop Business is Worth?
Do You Know what your Pawn Shop Business is worth? Why should YOU know what YOUR Pawn Shop Business is worth? I have been asked that question quite a bit in times of recent and throughout my extensive career in the Pawn Shop Industry. Pawnshop Consulting Group Aside from providing pawnshop consulting services to more…
The Ancient History of Pawnbroking
The Ancient History of Pawnbroking While researching information about a book that I am writing, I thought I would share some very interesting factoids about the Pawn Industry that many may not know. The art of Pawnbroking is very Ancient and has a history dating back more than 3000 years in China. I am going…
Pawn Shops Early Indicators of Economic Struggles
Pawn Shops Early Indicators of Economic Struggles It has long been known that Pawn Shops are one of the first industry’s that feel the impact of economic swings and are early indicators of economic struggles. CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank Just Said “There is an Economic Hurricane Heading our Way Rapidly” in the…
Financial Metrics on Steroids and Current Pawn Industry Trends Update Q2 2022
Pawnshop Consulting Group – Financial Metrics on Steroids and Updates on Current Pawn Industry Trends Pawnshop Consulting Group will be hosting our UPDATED Community Call on Financial Metrics on Steroids along with the Current Financial Trends for Q1/Q2 early trends 2022 what we are witnessing in real time, along with a number of factors impacting…