PCG Expanded Virtual Training Formats with PawnTrain Pawnshop Consulting Group along with our affiliate partner PawnTrain are offering expanded virtual-training formats and additional high-level training to our hundreds of of options available on our combined web site, Pawntrain.com. These are just some of our expanded virtual-training formats that Pawnshop Consulting Group and PawnTrain…
Company Survey’s – Good, Bad & Ugly
Company Survey’s – Good, Bad & Ugly Do you provide Personnel the opportunity to participate in Company Survey’s, for the Good, Bad & Ugly that may exist in your organization? Pawnshop Consulting Group recently hosted our Industry Pawn Peer Focus Group with one of our long term members in California, and witnessed up…
Pawnshop Consulting Group – Current Financial Trends
Pawnshop Consulting Group – Current Financial Trends Pawnshop Consulting Group will be hosting our Community Call on Current Financial Trends for Q1 2022 what we are witnessing in real time, along with a number of factors impacting the Pawn Industry today and much more. Are YOU prepared for what’s coming, and how are your financial…
What is the Image You are Portraying in Your Pawn Stores Today
What is the Image You are Portraying in Your Pawn Stores today? Pawnshop Consulting Group has been asked to put together a special presentation of “what is the image you are portraying in your pawn stores today” this year by Greg Engstrom of the Indiana Pawnbrokers Association. This presentation is for the Midwest Pawnbrokers…
Pawn Industry one of the Greenest Industry’s on Earth
Pawn Industry one of the Greenest Industry’s on Earth To all of our beloved clients, fans, members, and family, I wanted to take out some time today in this blog to share some very positive commentary and trends that are very relevant to the Industry. We are all being bombarded with so much noise…
Pawnshop Valuations
Pawnshop Valuations and the Importance thereof Pawn Family and Friends, Today’s Blog is an important one and has to do with Valuations. Many of you may know that Pawnshop Consulting Group and Jerry Whitehead specifically have been involved in the mergers & acquisitions side of the Pawn Industry for several decades. To date, through my…
Sales Tax You Say?
Sales Tax You Say? Pawn Family & Friends Today’s blog is inspired by some content going around on one of the FB channels that is pawn related. This topic has gone around for generations as far my experiences are concerned and I would like to share my overall opinions about various practices in…
What Does Selling Money in the Pawn Business Mean
What Does Selling Money in the Pawn Business Mean Once again, I would like to thank the many of you who responded to our most recent Blog from the 23rd of August. Your kind comments and requests for support are amazing, and WE really APPRECIATE IT! Today’s Blog is for further Clarification –…
The Truth about Pawnshops
THE TRUTH ABOUT PAWNSHOPS Tired of being scared in Your Pawn Shop Business? First, I wanted to thank many of our followers for the wonderful feedback and responses from our recent blog titled: “Seeing Negative Commentary about You and YOUR Pawnshop Business”. AS indicated, many of us are being compromised mentally…
Seeing Negative Commentary about YOU and YOUR Pawnshop Business
Tired of seeing so much Negative Commentary about YOU and YOUR Pawnshop Business? The TRUTH about Pawnshops is relatively simple! Seems there is an increasing level of hype, paranoia, noise, and more about failing or not doing the right things or other by you, or in your business and you should be terrified…