Lab Grown Diamonds Biggest Disruptor in the
We are down to the last couple of months before our historic event begins which is set for September the 12th – 15th at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Naples Florida.
For those of you who may be still on the fence about attending, “DON’T BE” and sign up today to ensure you will not miss this historic and epic event. All attendees will have a real opportunity to explore many variations of what it takes to run a solid business today with proven practices and techniques.
All attendees will have a wonderful opportunity to mix and mingle in a very luxurious environment and “hang out” with some of the most respected folks in our industry and other industries today from around the country and the world along with other prudent operators just like yourself!
This event promises to be nothing like anything that has ever been produced up to this point and we are looking forward to getting on with the business of our business so to speak. This will be networking on the high level with some extremely respected and noteworthy individuals.
I am happy to report that our registration process has been going well and we are looking forward to spinning off the first of what we will hope will become a series of International Pawn Conferences and much more.
We have added two very informative topics for our select group of attendees. In our strife to provide some of the most informative subject matter and people in our community we believe the following two additions will add to the already extensive group of topics that will be explored at this years Symposium.
One of the additional topics has to do with the processes behind maximizing your returns on your metal assays and more. This program will be provided by one of the industry’s leading metals processors and promises to be very informative and beneficial for our attendees.
Secondly, we have added a session that explores the boundaries of smart underwriting techniques that are geared to help your coverage’s while reducing your potential expenses in the process.
Please check out our Symposium web site for information and you may follow the registration links below to sign up and get on the LIST!
This is an event you DO NOT want to MISS!
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
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