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900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028
PCG is not only the leader in pawn shop consulting. We have also created a unique series of focus groups, symposiums, summits, and trade show productions never before seen in the pawn industry. Where pawnbrokers were once isolated in their business development and creation of strategies for problem-solving, with little to no collaboration between business owners, there is now a global network of support.
The first of its kind in the industry, the Pawn Peer Focus Groups™ was created by Jerry Whitehead and PCG as a way to connect with other pawnbrokers. The goal of these groups is to learn, observe, and critique each other while sharing best practices. Over the past decade of working together closely, the group has become like family. They travel together, work together, and even vacation together.
We start with a comprehensive questionnaire to get an overview of who you are and what your business looks like now. We build a profile based on your answers, and from that, we construct a series of goals and focus points. Everything we do for you is based on your specific operation. We want to create a customized plan that will work for you, and we don’t rely on cookie-cutter programs or one-size-fits-all consulting. We also don’t work with your competitors.
The goal of the Symposium is to unite the pawn industry at an annual gathering to share information and set future standards. With the introduction of focus groups in 2011 to team up with industry leaders offering a wide range of workshops and talks, we are bringing together the leaders in the industry to share their knowledge with pawnbrokers from all over the world.
The Management Camp is an executive leadership event offering a series of workshops and seminars. These are informational and interactive to share techniques for creating a highly successful pawn operation. When these groups are together, it spurs discussion and creativity so attendees can continuously improve their core business models, processes, and procedures. We cover a wide range of issues facing the pawn industry and incorporate information on operational necessities every pawn business owner needs to know.
The Crossover Expo is different from any pawn trade show, national or regional. This event is open to anyone 18-years or older, whether they work in the pawn industry or not. We do this so anyone with interests in a pawn business can gather the information they need and meet industry representatives where they might otherwise have no options for doing so. The theme is crossing over to other industries and welcoming them to our trade shows. Everyone from finance to check cashing, jewelry to retail are welcome to come and network and learn about pawn brokering.
In conjunction with PCG, Whitehead produces the world’s only international Pawn Summit and Summit Series. It’s a community of pawnbrokers who gather at this annual event to inspire and educate one another in order to grow their businesses. The Summit provides networking and marketing opportunities in addition to hands-on, high-level education sessions aimed at improving the bottom line for pawn operation owners. It’s a rare opportunity to gather information from some of the leaders in the pawn industry while talking about what the future looks like. Attendees will leave with an actionable to-do list, insights to improve their business performance, and a plethora of contacts and connections.
Over the past three decades, Jerry Whitehead and Pawn Shop Consulting Group have worked hard to create opportunities for pawnbrokers to connect. Through their extensive offerings of focus groups, symposiums, summits, and trade show productions, not to mention Jerry’s presentations and lectures both around the country and around the world, they have changed the way pawn shop owners learn and network.
From educational seminars to hands-on training, and from focus groups that have become like family to summits where everyone is welcome, they’ve created an invaluable resource for pawnbrokers to not only retain their business, but to thrive and grow. It’s one of the many reasons PCG continues to be the industry leader in pawn shop operations and consulting worldwide.
To learn more about events and opportunities near you, connect with PCG online now.
CALL NOW: 954-540-3697