Lab Grown Diamonds Biggest Disruptor in the
Ladies and Gentlemen in Pawn Land !
Crossover EXPO is open for Business!!
PCG and the Crossover EXPO folks are here to WELCOME ANYONE who wishes to attend our events. The event is open to anyone 18 or older, has a valid ID, is in the business, want’s to be in the business, or for businesses or Vendors that want to do business within the Pawn Space primarily.
We are inviting the AFS industry’ as well as to open doors for them as many are migrating into the Pawn Space and they ARE assuredly welcome to our shows!
Vendors – “no lottery required” just sign up, pay your fees, sponsor what you like, and come to the show!
Only exception here is we ARE limiting the types of vendors in each category to maximize your potentials, so hurry up!!
Attendees, our educational presentations occur outside of the trade show hours, they all run concurrently so you can see one, or all of them. No exclusions to come and learn from some of the best of the best, then go and meet and greet many of the presenters at their booths!
Dates are September 22nd – 25th, at the 4-Diamond Gaylord Resort in Kissimmee Florida.
Your low cost admission ($295 for non FPA members or PCG active clients) for attendees includes EVERYTHING!
For the low price of admission attendees gain access to more than 40 PCG approved vendors presenting at the event, more than a dozen high level presentations from some of the most informed people in the world today in their respective fields, all the food you can eat at our buffet style breakfast and lunches served all 3 days, plus the opportunity to meet and greet anyone you wish to communicate with.
Our shows in affect, are “OPEN for Business” and anyone who wishes to come learn, interact, and commiserate with some of the brightest minds that can be assembled today ARE WELCOME!
Come help support the Florida Pawnbrokers Association and the Pawn Industry in general as we roll out another exceptional, educational trade show event !!
Hotel rooms are limited, after registering below you will see a hotel registration redirect, be sure to sign up today!
For event registration information and more, here is our general information and registration link for the Crossover EXPO:
Thank you all so much and hope to see you in Orlando !!