• 900 Egan Way CT., Burleson Texas 76028

  • Current Trends for the Pawn Industry

    Hello Pawn Family,

    Just another quick update on the Current Trends for the Pawn Industry from PCG!

    Current Trends for the Pawn Industry

    Hello Pawn Family,

    Pawnshop Consulting Group is providing a brief update on how we see the Current Trends for the Pawn Industry trending for ALL of your benefits.

    AS many of you know, Pawnshop Consulting Group and our affiliate, PawnTrain work with many clients today as part of our active monthly Concierge Level Support Training and so much more.

    Inflationary Activity

    It is no mystery that inflation in the USA is in historic territory with a 40+ year high currently. As a result, compensation scales for the vast number of Americans in the USA have not kept up with the dramatic increases in inflation.

    AS I have mentioned before, the Pawn Industry is one of the early bell-weather businesses that see what the effects of economic swings have on the mass majority of our citizens and more in real time.

    Pawn Trends

    Here is some quick Pro Forma analysis snippets from a broad spectrum of active clients that Pawnshop Consulting Group and PawnTrain have the privilege to work with today. These averages are compiled from 30 active client groups of ours with a total # of 87 stores in this data.

    As a footnote, these are medium size pawnshops, in high yield markets (20-25%) primarily dealing in general merchandise as a rule of thumb.


    It does appear that the Federal Reserve is going to continue raising the FED prime lending rate in some insane thoughts that yes, this does decrease spending while raising the cost of credit for everyone.

    Current debt of Americans is at $14.96 Trillion, this is the highest on any recorded history in our country. $58,604 per every household in the country.

    These numbers are insane in my humble opinion and a major reset is coming according to many.

    Despite the numbers, the administration is still printing trillions of dollars of currency up and pouring it into the mix, and inflation will continue to rise as a result. The shear lunacy of their behavior goes beyond any prior norms I can isolate, and as a result the country and the economy will continue to plunge further into abyss is what most sane economists predict.

    Our Position

    We firmly believe that Pawnbrokers need to continuously flush and dump excess and aging inventory and continue to build cash liquidity.

    We need to continue to seek out and secure any type of loan or debt potential as our demand for cash will continue as a business.

    More of us need to continue to qualify customers very well, we are comfortable at this point with max lending roles on (A) goods to well qualified customers at this time, with a measured pull back on (B) goods, and the elimination of (C) goods in general across the board as far as lending or buying is concerned.

    Stay tuned for more and thank you for following.

    If you have enjoyed the Blogs and industry information reading, please leave us a review @ www.reviewpawnshopconsulting.com

    Thank you all so much,

    Jerry Whitehead – Owner / Founder

    Pawnshop Consulting Group, LLC.





    Alan Nelson – Owner

    PawnTrain, LLC.

